Tuesday, June 9, 2009

random thoughts

Till the time i had actually entered this homeschooling idea, it was looking so alien to me. And now with a few days research and meeting various people, it sounds so familiar and friendly.

One thing i've prominently noticed is majority of the parents are more or less not happy with something or the other, with the school their kids are attending to. May it be the infrastructure, the way teachers handle students, the way teachers teach or conduct various activities, exposure availed to the students, sports, extra curriculars...so many more things !! but maybe becasue schooling is the most common means to educate your children, they are not thinking about any other options. or maybe they do think but dont have time, gutts, or patience to do it themselves.
But i've noticed recently, it is in the news, written about on blogs, published in various media. Homeschooling is surely picking up in india instead of being a word of taboo. in western countries it was practised since ages. But Indians are yet not very familiar or comfortable with the idea.
As against to this very thought, i've myself found and met quite a few homeschooling parents very much here in mumbai. Meeting up with them and discussing my doubts proved to be helpful to formulate our own answers to the common doubts we had. I now feel better equiped to take it on and face the world.

everyone i met opinioned, i still have time to let hte idea percolate deep inside and to well equip myself as my kid is just 2 years old not. i still have time in hand. It feels nice when you know you are not late :) There is so much you can do.
here I go !!!

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